Local Business

Please support our local businesses by checking out their websites, or by visiting in person! If you’re a local business owner, and would like your business added to this list, please contact the Twp. Clerk.

Bellevue Christian Church  www.bellevuecconline.org 

Bellevue Church of Christ  www.bellevuemicofc.org 

Bellevue First Baptist Church  www.bellevuefbc.org 

Bellevue United Methodist Church  www.bellevueumc.org

St. Ann Catholic Church  www.stmarycharlotte.org 

Bellevue Hardware  www.bellevue-hardware.doitbest.com 

Bellevue Conservation Club  www.bellevueconservationclub.com 

4U Free Store  www.4ufreestore.org 

Fun Services  www.myfunservices.com

Spaul-Ding Associates  www.spauldingassociatesllc.com

Hometown Pharmacy  www.hometownpharmacy.com/locations/bellevue

King Agency  www.kingagency.com

Town & Country Supermarket  www.tcsupermarkets.com 

Highpoint Community Bank  www.highpointcommunitybank.com

Independent Bank  www.independentbank.com